Employed Residents
If you were to lose your job, about how many months do you think it would take before you could find a comparable job with similar pay the same distance from your home?
Three months or less Six to twelve months More than one year
Row % Row % Row %
Employed Residents 38% 37% 25%
Gender Men 44% 32% 24%
Women 33% 42% 25%
Age Under 45 45% 38% 17%
45 or older 30% 36% 34%
Household Income Less than $50,000 34% 42% 24%
$50,000 or more 42% 35% 24%
Region Northeast 32% 37% 31%
Midwest 40% 38% 22%
South 42% 39% 19%
West 38% 33% 29%
Marist Poll National Employed Residents "N=625 MOE +/- 4%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.